Prostate Endorectal Coils - DxTx Medical
Endorectal coils provide higher snr and enhance the prostate image quality for both radiologists and urologists.
Endorectal coil, prostate image quality, prostate scans, prostate MRI, MRI images, prostate images, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment, prostate cancer diagnosis, increase prostate image quality, increase signal to noise, radiologists, urologists.
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Prostate Endorectal Coils

Prostate eCoil MRI Endorectal Coil

Prostate eCoil

DxTx Medical’s eCoil® are designed to help radiologists and urologists by providing high resolution imaging of the prostate. It offers high SNR and provides the sensitivity needed for multi-parametric and spectroscopy imaging for 1.5T and 3.0T. The small FOV and high spatial resolution images acquired with the endorectal coil are designed to assist the radiologist in improved sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis and aid in treatment planning for diseases of the prostate and surrounding anatomy.

View Case Studies

A Radiologist’s Perspective on Endorectal Coils

Learn more about Scanner Specific Interface Devices

Key Features of the Endorectal Coil

High SNR and Homogeneity for Improved Image Quality

  • Enables close placement for more detail in small FOV
  • Can assist with spectroscopy and multi-parametric image sequences

Prostate Coil 1.5T and 3.0T

  • High SNR provides visualization of prostate’s internal architecture and periprostatic structures like prostate capsule and neurovascular bundles
  • Conforms to prostate size and shape for immobilization

Images with eCoil®  may assist physicians with…

  • Patients with high PSA and repeat negative biopsy
  • Biopsy targeting
  • Distinguishing between intracapsular / extracapsular disease
  • Localizing and characterizing tumors to aid in staging
  • Assessing local recurrence
  • Treatment planning

Endorectal Coils Provide Clearer View – See the Difference

3.0T T2 Weighted Images

Without ERC

With ERC

3.0T Diffusion Weighted Images

Without ERC

With ERC

eCoil Sensitive Volume

Sagittal: 10-20 cm Axial: 10-20 cm
Coronal: 10-20 cm


Please ask us for details about our warranties

eCoil Probes

GE / Siemens Philips
1.5T Prostate eCoil BPX-15 4522 132 70682
3.0T Prostate eCoil BPX-30 4522 132 64752

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